



I had the honor of being chosen by the Danish postal service, PostNord,

to photograph 7 remarkable dogs for a 5-stamp series.

The 7 selected dogs were all chosen due to their extraordinary backgrounds.

The pictures were taken all over Denmark, in the dogs' own homes, and it was an amazing assignment for me, truly amazing dogs and, may I add, an amazing result by PostNord.

On a side note:

Thanks to these amazing dogs, this specific series turned out to be one of the fastest selling stamp series in Danish postal history.

Icelandic Sheepdog

The 3 Icelandic Sheepdogs Píla, Gaia and Bliða are experienced therapi dogs, working with and helping brain damaged people in a neurocenter.

Yellow Labrador

The Yellow Labrador Audi is a 9-year old schweiss dog.

It's a highly specialised dog, trained to track wounded (or run over) deer, so they can be put down in the most humane way.

Smooth Foxterrier

Mille is a 4-year old Smooth Fox Terrier. Even though she's a hunting dog, she has the heart in the right place, as she is known for bringing up 3 motherless kittens.

Golden Retriever

Chivas is a 6-year old Golden Retriever. She is a highly trained service dog, assisting her spinal cord injured owner in the daily life.

German Shepherd

The 6-year old German Shepherd Theo is a group-1 police dog.

Only the best trained police dogs will advance to this group.

The Book

Danish stamps and the stories behind them.

This book supports the publication of the 5-stamp series and it unfolds the stories of the many Danish stamp issues of the year 2019.

The 67-page book is a numbered, limited edition collectors item.

On the front cover of the book is my picture of the charming Golden Retriever "Chivas" in an incredible, reflective print.



PostNord's (printed) stamp newsletter is distributed in Denmark.

In this issue, the dog stamps took up all space on the front cover, with the charming Smooth Foxterrier "Mille" stealing the show.


The 5-stamp series was also printed as 15x21 cm postcards.

Take a look at some of my pictures of various dog breeds.

Karsten Bidstrup



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Billeder, video, lyd, tekst, grafik og andet indhold på dette website er beskyttet efter lov om ophavsret.

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