



Photographing dogs of all shapes and sizes is usually an entertaining job.

It's most certainly a nice challenge that can bring a smile to my face.

In studio and on location


Images of Alaskan malamute, Nova Scotia duck tolling retriever, Afghan dog, Labrador retriever, Briard, Australian shepherd, Tibetan terrier, Eurasian, Greenland dog, a mutt and others.

Above: Alaskan Mamlamute

Above: Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever

Above: Afghan Dog

Above: Labrador Retriever

Above: Briard

Above: Australian Shepherd

Above: Tibetan Terrier

A mutt photographed in Wadi Rum, Jordan


Apart from undisputedly being the biggest, it's definately also the most enduring, strongest, toughest, cutest and most intelligent sled dog in the world.

Many positive statements have been made regarding the charismatic and photogenic Alaskan Malamutes by a lot of people, and of course I concur with the above statements.

However, I am as biased as can be, having lived with a pack of these loveable guys for more than a decade.

It's fair to say they stole my heart and thanks for doing it, guys.

I will forever be in your debt...

Left to right: Baby Lumen, Mama Pixel, Grandma Mocha, Pretty Boy Nikon and Uncle Enzo.

Dog Photographer of the Year


I finished third in the world's largest dog photography competition, the esteemed English Kennel Club's annual Dog Photographer of the Year 2014.

Competing with 13.000 photos submitted from 60 countries, I won 3. place in the category "Dogs at Work" with my action photo of a bunch of amazing, hard-working huskies, striding across the frozen tundra in icy Lapland.

I shot the picture north of the Arctic Circle at Fjällräven's 300 km long Polar Sled Dog Race.

Apart from the 3. place in the category "Dogs at Work" my 4 other photos submitted, made it through the selection process and were all by the judges characterized as "runner-ups" to the winning images.

The Stamp Project

It was a great honor when I was chosen by the Danish Postal Service to photograph one of their annual stamp series. Seven dogs had been selected for the five stamps.

Karsten Bidstrup



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Images, video, sound, text, graphics and other content on this website are protected by copyright law.

Photographer Karsten Bidstrup reserve all rights to the content,including the right to use the content for the purposes of text and data mining, cf. Section 11 b of the Copyright Act and Article 4 of the DSM Directive.

I henhold til EU-direktiv af 7/6-2023:

Billeder, video, lyd, tekst, grafik og andet indhold på dette website er beskyttet efter lov om ophavsret.

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