



Denmark may seem insignificant on a map, but it holds some nice photogenic treasures.


Images from around the country, mainly Sealand.

Mist rises in the forest after a heavy rainfall.
The milky way, as it appears on southern Sealand
The sun is setting on western Sealand.
Every now and then the northern lights are visible in Denmark



Images of culture, industry, glass and steel.

A gloomy day in Frederiksberg Have.


A glimpse of the declining wildlife in Denmark, mainly from Sealand.

Incredible 60% of Denmark consists of cultivated land, which is close to a sad world record (surpassed by four third world countries), and furthermore, only 2% of the country is considered protected nature, ultimately leaving very little space for a diverse wildlife.

However, what's left is truly magnificent.

Bats having a feast hunting for insects around the old cherry tree in my garden.
A red deer and his herd are paying close attention to me.
A red deer seems to be waiting for me this nice evening.
European Honey Buzzard.
Probably one of the most striking birds of prey, the red kite.
A common buzzard.
A majestic white-tailed eagle.
A cute European robin.
A female marsh harrier.
The Great Spotted Woodpecker is one of the more entertaining birds.
This curious hind stayed around for a while, I guess she thought I was some kind of weirdo.
Every now and then this red fox spends a long time just observing my dogs.
A common kestrel keeping an eye on me.
A stunning greenfinch.
An intense sparrowhawk.
A very handsome roe buck passes by.
A pretty roe doe.
A red deer stag in rut. He lets the entire forest know (especially his rivals) that he's around.
On a misty evening a roe doe keeps an eye on me.
A beautiful common buzzard.
A nice and healthy countryside rat looking for an easy meal in my garden.


Images of business, political and cultural characters.

The Royal Family

Amalienborg Castle on Queen Margrethe II's 50th birthday.

Cheering the mob (L to R):

Crown Prince Frederik (aka "Frede", now the King of Denmark), Prince Joachim (Frederik's pompous brother), the remarkable Queen Margrethe II and her husbond Prince Henrik Carl Joachim Alain (who never got to be the king he really wanted to be).

Karsten Bidstrup



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