



Pictures from wonderful Sealand, mainly the western part.


Around the year it's possible to spot a nice variety of birds of prey on Western Sealand, where I live - both resident and migratory birds.

Among those are the white-tailed eagle, red kite, common buzzard, honey buzzard, common kestrel, eurasian sparrowhawk, eurasian hobby, western marsh harrier and tawny owl.

All these pictures are shot from within the immediate vicinity of my house on western Sealand, except the peregrine falcon that was shot over the North Sea.

White-tailed Eagle
European Honey Buzzard
Red Kite
Common Buzzard
Long-eared Owl
Eurasian Sparrowhawk
Common Kestrel
Peregrine Falcon
Western Marsh Harrier
Eurasian Hobby

other birds

All of these are fairly common birds in Denmark.

Images of thrushes, sparrows, finches, egrets and other birds from western Sealand.

Karsten Bidstrup



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