



Faces and characters, there are no two alike.

It's one of those neverending projects.

Village elders from Ulukhaqtuuq

Inuvik Region, Northwest Territories, Canada

These three images were all shot within 1½ minute. Every now and then time really is a factor,

and I have to do with what I have.

Locals from Ilulissat, Kapisillit & Itileq

Southwest Greenland

Karsten Bidstrup



According to the EU directive of June 7, 2023:

Images, video, sound, text, graphics and other content on this website are protected by copyright law.

Photographer Karsten Bidstrup reserve all rights to the content,including the right to use the content for the purposes of text and data mining, cf. Section 11 b of the Copyright Act and Article 4 of the DSM Directive.

I henhold til EU-direktiv af 7/6-2023:

Billeder, video, lyd, tekst, grafik og andet indhold på dette website er beskyttet efter lov om ophavsret.

Fotograf Karsten Bidstrup forbeholder sig alle rettigheder til indholdet, herunder retten til at udnytte indholdet med henblik på tekst- og datamining, jf. ophavsretslovens § 11 b og DSM-direktivets artikel 4.