



If anything, the Falkland Islands really stands out with its remarkable bird life.

Pictures from both the easternmost and the westernmost Falklands.


One of natures truly perfect creatures.

Their stunning beauty and their amazing flying skills, keeping them off the ground for years,

allowing them to cover beyond 100.000 kilometers in a year is almost unbelievable.

They are a true inspiration for any photographer - me for one.

Images of wandering albatross, black-browed albatross and one unidentified.

A black-browed albatross in flight.



The opportunistic predatory birds seem to always be present in the Falklands and they obviously make superb models.

Images of striated and crested caracara, turkey vulture, skua, variable hawk and northern giant petrel.

A young striated caracara going up against a turkey vulture.


The loveable penguins seem to be born photogenic. On top of that, they often appear to have a very laid-back style, presenting any photographer with some good opportunities to get the pictures.

Images of king penguin, gentoo penguin, magellanic penguin and rockhoppers.

Mating season or not, these king penguins enjoy the company of each other for sure.

other birds

Images of king cormorant, magellanic cormorant, steamer duck, cape petrel, long-tailed meadowlark, oystercatcher, dolphin gull, snowy sheathbill, upland goose, black-chinned siskin and austral thrush.

A blue-eyed shag on the lookout.

Karsten Bidstrup



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Images, video, sound, text, graphics and other content on this website are protected by copyright law.

Photographer Karsten Bidstrup reserve all rights to the content,including the right to use the content for the purposes of text and data mining, cf. Section 11 b of the Copyright Act and Article 4 of the DSM Directive.

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Billeder, video, lyd, tekst, grafik og andet indhold på dette website er beskyttet efter lov om ophavsret.

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