



Clearly it's a pleasure for any photographer to see their own work on print.

Since the mid-1990's I have had my pictures displayed on the front cover of more than 125 magazines and newspapers as well as CDs, posters, postcards etc.

Austrian Doctor's Without Borders' annual report probably isn't the highlight of world litterature,

however, it actually is a well read publication. It also happens to be one of the covers I am most proud of.


A variety of my front covers of magazines, newspapers, annual reports, brochures etc.


As the staff photographer I've had several front covers of the biggest Danish (printed) travel magazine, Vagabond.

Some of my other publications (also published by Vagabond).


The front covers of my own books;

Et andet Afrika and Cruise with your Camera (all editions).

I didn't write these books, but I did get the front covers.


I am a photographer at heart, however I have always enjoyed writing and I especially enjoy when my text and my pictures are published together.

Those are some of my articles accompanied by my own pictures.

I have submitted pictures to stock agencies for years, hence they are used frequently in articles by other journalists.


A variety of postcards.

Antarctica and Falkland Islands postcard publications

Danish Postal Service stamps postcard publications

Karsten Bidstrup




According to the EU directive of June 7, 2023:

Images, video, sound, text, graphics and other content on this website are protected by copyright law.

Photographer Karsten Bidstrup reserve all rights to the content,including the right to use the content for the purposes of text and data mining, cf. Section 11 b of the Copyright Act and Article 4 of the DSM Directive.

I henhold til EU-direktiv af 7/6-2023:

Billeder, video, lyd, tekst, grafik og andet indhold på dette website er beskyttet efter lov om ophavsret.

Fotograf Karsten Bidstrup forbeholder sig alle rettigheder til indholdet, herunder retten til at udnytte indholdet med henblik på tekst- og datamining, jf. ophavsretslovens § 11 b og DSM-direktivets artikel 4.